0 votes

Code is below. But the subject says it all. When I run the command targeted in this function via the Adaxes GUI or the web interface, it runs without issue. When run using this code, I just get "No operations executed" in the log. When checking the Adaxes log, the information in the log is exactly the same as when I run the command successfully via the GUI.

function create-PltAccount {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [string] $commandGuid = "9D8EF2CC-21D8-4843-9FFE-F21E7FE356E4",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $accountType,
        [string] $managedDomain = "domain.com",
        [string] $adaxesService = $global:adaxesService,
    begin {
        [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi") > $null
        $admNS = New-Object "Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.AdmNamespace"
        $credUser = $credential.UserName
        $credPwd = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
        $admService = $admNS.GetServiceDirectly($adaxesService)
    process {
        try {
            $objectDn = $identity.DistinguishedName
            $objectName = $identity.Name
            write-host "Adaxes://$managedDomain/$objectDn"
            $adaxesObject = $admNS.OpenObject($adaxesService,"Adaxes://$managedDomain/$objectDn", $credUser, $credPwd, 195)
            $command  = $admNS.OpenObject($adaxesService,"Adaxes://<GUID=$commandGuid>", $credUser, $credPwd, 195)
            switch ($accountType) {
                "user" { $paramAccountType = "Domain Account"; break }
                "sa" { $paramAccountType = "SA Account"; break }
                "da" { $paramAccountType = "DA Account"; break }
            $arguments = $command.CreateArguments()
            $arguments.SetParameterValue("param-AccountType", $paramAccountType)
            if ($psCmdlet.ShouldProcess($objectName, "Run 'PLT - Create-PLT-DomainAccount' against user '$($identity.name)' creating '$paramAccountType' account")) {
                write-progress "Waiting for command to complete..."
                $adaxesObject.ExecuteCustomCommand($command.CommandId, $arguments)
                #retrieve status
                sleep -sec 15 #sleep to allow log entry to show up
                $logRecord = $adaxesObject.getModificationLog().log.getPage(0) | select -first 1
                if (($logRecord.State -ne 4) -or ($logRecord.state -ne "OPERATION_STATE_COMPLETED")) {
                    write-warning "$commandName failed on '$objectName'"
                    write-warning $logRecord.getExecutionLog().message
                } else {
                    if ($logRecord.getExecutionLog().message) {
                        write-output $logRecord.getExecutionLog().message
                write-progress "Waiting for command to complete..." -completed
        } catch {
            $psCmdlet.WriteError($_); return 
        }  finally { $adaxesObject = $null }
    end {
        $admNS = $admService = $credUser = $credPwd = $null
by (20 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (299k points)


It means that the command is executed successfully. Most probably, there are some conditions in your custom command that are not met for the user you execute the command on.


I am providing the parameter information correctly. I can tell via the logging. The only condition in the custom command is what type of account is needed. I am setting that as a valid parameter to the command. There is something else missing, but I do not know what it is. I used to be able to run custom commands by providing the parameters but I have not been able to run a custom command using ADSI in quite some time. Did something change with the latest release? I can open a support ticket if necessary.



As you mentioned in the initial request, the result is the same when you execute the custom command via Adaxes UI (if we understood you right). As such, it can only be about the condition you have in the command not being met. If you cannot provide the command screenshot here, please, send it to our support email.


The result is definitely not the same when run via ADSI vs the GUI. When run from the GUI, the command runs without issue and executes 3 operations, successfully completing "the thing" the command is designed to do.

See attached for custom command screenshot and logging, which shows the input data to the command is the same when the command works and when it does not.

adaxes_log_adsi_fail.jpg adaxes_log_gui_success.jpg adaxes_custom_cmd.jpg



Thank you for all the provided details. Now the difference is clear. We do not see the full operation description for the command execution via the script, but it looks like the value passed to the parameter does not match any of those in the parameters. Maybe, there is some unprintable character or something else influencing the value. As a test, you can use one of the examples from the following SDK article instead of your function: https://adaxes.com/sdk/SampleScripts.ExecutingCustomCommands.

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