currently we have an Exchange 2019 Server in Hybrid configuration with Exchange Online.
During our user onboarding a mailbox for the user is being created by a business rule:

Depending on the department we are running a script to assign a group for licensing a M365 license and setting an AD attribute for a scheduled task which will later on migrate this onprem-user-mailbox to Exchange Online:

Now we are in the process of migrating every user to Exchange Online and decomission our onprem Exchange and replace it with the Exchange Management Tools. Therefor we need to redesign our onboarding process.
According to https://www.adaxes.com/help/EnablingDisablingRemoteMailboxes/ Adaxes would automatically create a remote mailbox if a M365 license is assigned. Now we are assigning licenses via group assignments and not via direct assignment.
What would be the best practise with Adaxes to create new Remote-Mailboxes in this scenario for newly created AD-Users?
Thanks and KR