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With Windows Server 2008 going EOL I am working to migrate Adaxes to a new server. Currently, we have Adaxes installed on a server with another tool we use. As part of the migration I am going to put Adaxes on its own server. Because of this, the new server will have a new host name and IP address. From looking at some instructions for server migrations it looks like I backup the Service and Web Interface configurations, install Adaxes on the new server, and restore those configurations on the new server. Now since the server name and IP are changing I am assuming there is more to it than those steps due to the changes. Wanted to see if I could get more detailed migration steps based on my situation.

Also, I am planning on using Windows Server 2019. Are there any concerns with using this OS as it is so new?

by (130 points)

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by (299k points)
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Now since the server name and IP are changing I am assuming there is more to it than those steps due to the changes. Wanted to see if I could get more detailed migration steps based on my situation.

According to your description, the migration steps are correct. However, here are the recommended steps in details:

If you are using Adaxes 2018.1 or later, you can install Adaxes on a new server sharing common configuration with the existing instance, wait for the replication to complete, uninstall Adaxes from the current server and then activate your license key on the new server.

If you are using Adaxes 2017.2 or older:

  1. Backup your Adaxes Web Interface configuration using Adaxes Web Interface Customization tool.
  2. Install Adaxes on a new server sharing common configuration with the existing instance.
  3. Wait for replication to complete.
  4. Uninstall Adaxes from the current server.
  5. Activate your license key on the new server: https://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Man ... cense.html.
  6. Restore your Adaxes Web Interface configuration on the new server using Adaxes Web Interface Customization tool.

The only change that will happen is that after migration, you will need to use the host name of the new server to access Adaxes Web Interface .

Also, I am planning on using Windows Server 2019. Are there any concerns with using this OS as it is so new?

Adaxes should work just fine on Windows Server 2019.


So essentially we set it up as a shared configuration, but get rid of the original server's install once we confirm the new server is setup properly? Also, we are on Adaxes 2018.1. For that, we do not need to manually restore the Adaxes Web Interface configuration as needs to be done for Adaxes 2017.2? Will the replication carry over all service and web interface configurations?



So essentially we set it up as a shared configuration, but get rid of the original server's install once we confirm the new server is setup properly?


Also, we are on Adaxes 2018.1. For that, we do not need to manually restore the Adaxes Web Interface configuration as needs to be done for Adaxes 2017.2?

Yes, the Web Interface configuration will also be replicated to the new server without manual backup/restore.

Will the replication carry over all service and web interface configurations?



Hello, thanks!

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