We have a client that is using another product for tracking change history and Active Directory auditing. Does Adaxes provide such tracking for Active Directory objects, passwords, etc. ?
Hello David,
Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. Only the operations performed via Adaxes are logged and can be viewed later on. If an operation is performed outside the software, there is no possibility to view it in Adaxes.
Softerra Adaxes does not extend the AD schema. Moreover, Softerra Adaxes does not store its data in Active Directory and doesn't modify the native permissions assigned in ... Adaxes, you can use Active Directory just as you did before the product installation.
We are in the process of updating our Active Directory Domain Controllers to server 2022 and the Domain/Forest function level. Our concern is that we still have Adaxes ... version of Windows server for our DCs and the Domain/Forest function level of 2016?
Is there a comparison between the OnPrem user object and Entra user object in the built-in condition? Which determines the most recent inactivity from both environments. Or should a choice be made between the OnPrem domain or Entra based on the Activity scope?
I am working with Adaxes for the first time. Looking to set up the service account so it can actually make changes to AD not just to register the Adaxes Service. I would rather ... the Adaxes service. What I am unable to do is have adaxes make changes to AD.
The Advanced Search in the Domain Find(CTRL-F3) function allows you to select a custom Active Directory field(added by IT, not a windows default AD field). When you ... helpful to have a Contains, Does not Contain logical operator in the Find function. Thanks!