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This may be somewhat of a generic question, but I've looked through a majority of the Self Service Password reset documentation and can't really find a definitive answer.

If we have users in our environment on a Mac for example, or any other flavor of OS that's not Windows, are they able to go to a URL (the one listed in the "Windows Integration section?) and if enrolled...answer their security questions and get to the password reset section? In testing I'm unable to do this...but I wanted to ask in case this is a capability and I have something mis-configured.

If I attempt to go to that URL I am sent to a login prompt, then the URL changes to the "PssEnroll.aspx" page and all I can do is answer my questions once again.

by (490 points)

Hello Ben,

Could you make sure that the user whose credentials you are using is enrolled to a Password Self-Service Policy?

Was the Password Self-Service Policy changed after enrolling the user to it? If the Force users affected by this policy to re-enroll when option is enabled, following the link will lead you to the enrollment page even if the user has been previously enrolled to the policy. In this case, you just need to re-enroll to the policy and try to follow the link again.
To check whether the Force users affected by this policy to re-enroll when option is enabled:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
  2. Navigate to Configuration\Password Self-Service and select Policies.
  3. Double-click the policy in the Result Pane.
  4. Activate the Miscellaneous tab.

Could you make sure that the user whose credentials you are using is enrolled to a Password Self-Service Policy?

You bet, I confirmed that the user having this issue (which is occuring on some of our users and a test account of mine) is enrolled in SSRP.

The "Re-Enrollment - Force users affected by this policy to re-enroll when:" is NOT checked currently either. We only have one policy configured at this time.

I'm sure it's a setting error we have on our end, so if you can think of something else to check let me know.

Thanks for the help,


Hello Ben,

Could you make sure that Windows Authentication is disabled for this Web interface? To do so:

  1. Log in to the computer where Adaxes Web Interface is installed.
  2. Launch Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager from Control Panel \ Administrative Tools.
  3. Expand the Adaxes service node.
  4. Expand Sites and then Default Web Site nodes.
  5. Select the Web Interface node and double-click Authentication in the Right view pane.

If Windows Authentication is enabled, right-click it and click Disable in the context menu.


Confirmed "Windows Authentication" is disabled on our SSPR site.

Just so I'm clear, should I be able to go to the URL we have configured as our "Web Interface URL" on any workstation (Windows, OS X) and if i'm enrolled login and change my password?

Thanks again,


Hello Ben,

Just so I'm clear, should I be able to go to the URL we have configured as our "Web Interface URL" on any workstation (Windows, OS X) and if i'm enrolled login and change my password?


Confirmed "Windows Authentication" is disabled on our SSPR site.

What browser are you using? If you are using Safari, have a look at the following article: Adaxes Web Interface Compatibility Issues with Safari.


I'm actually on a windows laptop using either Chrome, IE, or Mozilla. I used the Mac as an example, but we are starting to allow users to use non-corporate machines so it will be both Mac or Windows machines using the link.

I have a test account I built and enrolled into our one and only password policy. I performed a "Lookup Policy for a user" search on that test account and it states the account is enrolled in the policy...and show that I enrolled it on 9/6.

If I navigate to the link presented in the windows integration piece for PW resets, I login with that test account and it brings me back to a screen that asks me to enroll. See attached.

I had a co-worker build a new test account, enroll, and try the same and he is having the same problem.



Hello Ben,

If I navigate to the link presented in the windows integration piece for PW resets, I login with that test account and it brings me back to a screen that asks me to enroll. See attached.

There are no attachments, most probably you forgot to attach the screenshot.



Hello Ben,

Could you check whether there is another Password Self-Service Policy effective for the user with higher priority and to which the user is not enrolled?

Make sure that at least one of the following settings is set in the Web interface Customization Tool for the Self Service Web Interface:

  1. Do not show the Home Page option is disabled on the General tab.

  2. Disable Directory Search option is disabled on the Search tab.

  3. Disable AD Reports is disabled on the Reports tab,

  4. On the Components tab:

    • Favorites is enabled.
    • Basket is enabled.
    • At least one of the components is enabled for in the My Panel section.

Please log in or register to answer this question.

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