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We have business rules active for creating (Office365)accounts.
When a new account is created and activated for Office365 the mailbox is not available straight away because this takes a couple of minutes before the mailbox is created in Office365.

We want to set a couple of extra settings on this new account/mailbox (calendar rights/Folder language and some other settings). How can we tell adaxes to wait till the mailbox is available and then continue running the powershell script to set the specific mailbox settings and all the other steps created in the business rules? I am aware that Adaxes will will queue the Exchange settings available true Adaxes. When running the powershell scripts in the business rules the scripts will fail now because of course the mailbox is not available yet.

When the business rule is completed we are sending the customers the info from this new account. When we configure the above requirements true the scheduled task it is possible that the customers already logged on with the newly created account. For this reason we want to have it implemented in the business rules for creating new accounts.

We do not have a on-premise exchange. So first creating the mailbox on-premise and then move it to Office365 is not a option.
I am curious how others are handeling the creation for Office365 accounts without on-premise Exchange.

by (100 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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Adding a delay is not the best solution because creating a mailbox can take a lot of time. The delay is unpredictable. Instead, we recommend using a Scheduled Task and the following procedure:

  1. You can create users in Office 365 with sign in blocked. This will guarantee that your customers cannot log in until you set the necessary properties.
  2. You can create a Scheduled Task that checks whether a mailbox is ready.
  3. When a mailbox is already created, the task sets the necessary properties, unblocks access to Office 365 and sends emails to the customers.

Like support says, use a scheduled task to handle this. What I did was when the account it created, I populated a field in AD with TRUE for the newly created user. Then daily with a scheduled task, i look at all accounts that have TRUE in that field and run the powershell against it.

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