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I have two domains where a sub-set of users are a mirror of each other. When a deprovision is run in the primary domain I would also like it to perform the deprovisioning tasks on the account in the secondary domain. there are a number of unique identifiers that could be used to find the account across the domains, the primary of which is EA4. So if User A is deprovisioned in the primary domain I would like deprovision task to go find if there is a matching EA4 in the secondary domain, and if there is deprovision that on as well, possibly by calling a separate custom command where I can have different steps.

by (470 points)

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by (216k points)
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You can do this with the help of a PowerShell script. The following script will do the job:

$secondaryDomainDN = "DC=example,DC=com" # TODO: modify me
$commandID = "{9DB88EC3-1241-4AB1-9612-C7C982BAA49F}" # TODO: modify me

if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty("%extensionAttribute4%"))
    $Context.LogMessage("Cannot find the user's account in the secondary domain because Extension Attribute 4 of the user is empty.", "Error")

# Find account in the secondary domain
$searcher = $Context.BindToObjectByDN($secondaryDomainDN)
$searcher.SearchFilter = "(&(sAMAccountType=805306368)(extensionAttribute4=%extensionAttribute4%))"
$searcher.SearchScope = "ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE"
$searcher.PageSize = 500

    $searchResultIterator = $searcher.ExecuteSearch()
    $searchResults = $searchResultIterator.FetchAll()

    if ($searchResults.Length -gt 1)
        $Context.LogMessage("Found more than one account with the same value of Extension Attribute 4 in the secondary domain.", "Error")
    elseif ($searchResults.Length -eq 0)
        $Context.LogMessage("Could not find the user's account in the secondary domain.", "Error")

    # Bind to the account in the secondary domain
    $accountInSecondaryDomain = $Context.BindToObjectEx($searchResults[0].AdsPath, $True)

    # Execute the Custom Command

In the script:

  • $secondaryDomainDN - specifies the Distinguished Name (DN) of the secondary domain;
  • $commandID - specifies the ID of the Custom Command that you want to execute on accounts in the secondary domain. For information on how to get the ID, see Get the ID of a Custom Command.

To add the script to a Custom Command for deprovisioning users, use the Run a program or PowerShell script action.

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