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Our users are not exactly pleased with Adaxes Web GUI.

Is there any in this forum who have developed their own GUI and uses Adaxes as engine ?
If so - which development tools did you use - Visual Studio, SAPIEN, Xojo, or something else ?

- Thanks

by (2.6k points)


Could you specify in more detail, what exactly they are not happy with? By the way, currently we are working on a new version of the Web Interface with a completely new look and feel, much friendlier to mobile devices etc. It will be available in the next major release.


Did you start going in the direction of making your own web interface to work with Adaxes?

1 Answer

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by (294k points)
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Best answer

The new version of Adaxes with a totally new Web Interface adapted for mobile devices is available.

You can download the new version here.

Upgrade Instructions

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