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I need to execute the script when user is added to a group.
In that script I need to access group properties - name, etc. and user's properties.
I have no problem with group ones however can't figure out how to get the user that's being added to a group.

Tried to use:
$userObj = $Context.Initiator;
$user = $Context.BindToObject($userObj);
$firstname = $user.Get("firstname");

That doesn't work. Also I don't think Initiator is giving me the right user.

Any help will be much appreciated.

by (100 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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Best answer


You need to use the %member% value reference to bind to the user that was added to the group and get their properties. For example, to get the First Name of the user, use the following code:

$member = $Context.BindToObjectEx("Adaxes://%member%", $True)
$firstName = $member.Get(“givenName”)

Sorry one more question. Is it possible to get string (GUID) value for AD attribute "objectGUID"

$id = $member.Get(“objectGUID”) returns hex string




Yes, it is possible. Use the following code:

$id = [Guid]$member.Get("objectGUID")
$stringID = $id.ToString()

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