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is it possible to display all Email proxy Addresses for a User (SMTP and smtp) ? in a report ?


by (360 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)


Currently it is impossible as Web Interface displays only the 1st value of multi-valued properties in AD Reports.
In two weeks we are going to release a minor update for 2012.1 that will fix the issue.


Is it possible to search anywhere (web or in Adaxes GUI) for an email proxy address? I have an alternate email address but I want to find whose account it is associated with.



Yes, this is possible with the help of Adaxes Administration Console:

  1. Open Adaxes Administration Console.
  2. Expand the node that represents your Adaxes service.
  3. Right-click Active Directory and click Find...
  4. In the Find dialog that appears, switch to the Advanced Search tab.
  5. Select User in the Type field.
  6. Open the property selection drop-down list and select Show all properties.
  7. Select Email Proxy Addresses and starts with.
  8. Type the name of the alternate proxy address type (for example, EUM or SMTP).
  9. Click Add to List.
  10. Click Find Now.

Perfect. I found that it works better if you use "contains" "Joe_Normal" as the filter "starts with" must be used like this "smtp:Joe_normal".


It seems that I just misunderstood your requirements a bit. I thought you wanted to search for mailboxes with a certain address type, like SMTP or EUM. If you were searching for a specific address, then, of course, you need to search using the contains logical operator.

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