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I have applied a security role to a group at the top of a Business Unit Container and set it to apply to the subtree and it does, all Containers and Business Units do have that security role applied, but the objects within the Business Unit do not get the security role. So it looks something like this:

Top Business Unit Container - Security Role A Sub Business Unit Container - Security Role A Sub Business Unit - Security Role A Security Group - No Security Role

So the group assigned to that Business Unit cannot manage the group within that Business Unit. Did I apply the permissions wrong or is there some setting I need to change?

by (100 points)


For troubleshooting purposes, please, provide a screenshot of the security role including the Assignments section. You can post it here or email at support@adaxes.com.

Also, please, specify how exactly you see the role not being applied to the corresponding trustees. Any additional details will be much appreciated.

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