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Morning team,

I have two questions about reports

  1. I created a container for our helpdesk and adding reports there. Each time a new report was added, I need to manually select either the report or the whole cointainer again, so it is visible for the team. Any way to auto enable reports under a certain container?

Before image.png

After image.png

  1. I have this "dynamic" report with parameters image.png

And this is the search option image.png

Now I want to achieve the following

  • Adding own pre defiend values like "AT", "DE", "PL"
  • Based on selection, the company and country name should be set
  • For example, I select "DE", then country name should be Germany and company name should be MyCompany

Is that possible?


by (1.7k points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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Best answer


Any way to auto enable reports under a certain container?

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. However, thank you for the suggestion. We forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.

I have this "dynamic" report with parameters

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. However, we have the feature in our plans for future releases. As a solution, you can use a script to generate the report and have just a single drop-down list parameter. All the dependencies will be specified in the script. Unfortunately, we do not have anything like that in our repository, but the following article should be helpful: https://adaxes.com/sdk/GeneratingReports.



Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. However, thank you for the suggestion. We forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.

That would be great, thanks!

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. However, we have the feature in our plans for future releases. As a solution, you can use a script to generate the report and have just a sing drop-down list parameter. All the dependencies will be specified in the script. Unfortunately, we do not have anything like that in our repository, but the following article should be helpful: https://adaxes.com/sdk/GeneratingReports.

I will have a look and try - would you be able to support me, if I encounter any issues or blockers?



We will do our best to help you with the script in case you encounter issues.



I am currently trying to create this report:

  • Enter a startDate
  • Enter a endDate
  • Select value (A, B, Both)

No I need to find all users

  • if A is selcted
    • all Users where A is within range of startDate and endDate
  • if B is selcted
    • all Users where B is within range of startDate and endDate
  • if Both is selcted
    • all Users where A OR B is within range of startDate and endDate

A and B has a format like this in AD string_with_info_YYYY-MM-DD

This is my current approach

# Retrieve the type of search (A, B, or Both)
$searchType = $Context.GetParameterValue("param-searchType")

# Retrieve the start and end date
$startDate = $Context.GetParameterValue("param-startDate")
$endDate = $Context.GetParameterValue("param-endDate")

# Convert start and end dates to YYYY-MM-DD format for comparison
$startDateFormatted = [DateTime]::Parse($startDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
$endDateFormatted = [DateTime]::Parse($endDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")

# Validate that the dates are in the correct format
if (-not $startDate -or -not $endDate) {
    throw "Both start and end dates must be specified."

# Initialize an LDAP filter to retrieve all users with either A or B attribute set
$ldapFilter = "(&(objectClass=user)(|(A=*)(B=*)))"

# Apply the filter to the directory searcher

# Load the required properties during the search 
$Context.DirectorySearcher.SearchParameters.PropertiesToLoad.AddRange(@("A", "B"))

# Execute the search and filter users by date in PowerShell after retrieving the results
try {
    $searchIterator = $Context.DirectorySearcher.ExecuteSearch()

    while ($Context.MoveNext($searchIterator)) {
        $searchResult = $searchIterator.Current

        # Retrieve the value from the search result properties
        $A = if ($searchResult.Properties.Contains("A")) { [string]$searchResult.Properties["A"][0] } else { $null }
        $B = if ($searchResult.Properties.Contains("B")) { [string]$searchResult.Properties["B"][0] } else { $null }

        # Extract the date part from A and B strings
        if ($A) {
            $ADate = $A.Substring($A.Length - 10)  # Extract the last 10 characters (YYYY-MM-DD)
        if ($B) {
            $BDate = $B.Substring($B.Length - 10)  # Extract the last 10 characters (YYYY-MM-DD)

        # Perform the comparison based on the search type
        if ($searchType -eq "A" -and $ADate -ge $startDateFormatted -and $ADate -le $endDateFormatted) {
        } elseif ($searchType -eq "B" -and $BDate -ge $startDateFormatted -and $BDate -le $endDateFormatted) {
        } elseif ($searchType -eq "Both" -and (($ADate -ge $startDateFormatted -and $ADate -le $endDateFormatted) -or ($BDate -ge $startDateFormatted -and $BDate -le $endDateFormatted))) {
} finally {
    if ($searchIterator) { $searchIterator.Dispose() }

However, no result is shown.

I am not sure if I get the correct value of each found user for A and B to compare it



What exactly do you mean by stringwithinfo_YYYY-MM-DD? Please, provide live examples.

Also, please, provide us with a screenshot of the Multi-server environment dialog. The dialog displays how many Adaxes services you have and what their versions are. For information on how to view it, see https://www.adaxes.com/help/MultiServerEnvironment. You can post the screenshot here or send to us at support@adaxes.com.

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