+1 vote

When building a form, is there a way I can request the user to answer questions?

I understand there is the adm-customattributes that aren't stored in AD, but I don't need them stored virtually on the user's profile as a virtual attribute.

A specific question that comes to mind is "Business Justification?" Where a user, when selecting "Request add to group" or really any change to their profile, can input a free form answer to this question, that gets sent along to the designated approvers with what the user supplied as a "Business Justification"

Something like that, wouldn't need to be stored on the user account because if the user is submitting multiple requests and I use the same question on other forms, this value is going to change on the "Virtual Attribute" constantly.

Another question would be "How long do you need access for?" (With a dropdown for different options for ranges.) This is another virtual attribute that wouldn't make sense to keep static as adm-customattribute because it would essentially just be that question with their latest form they submiited answer on the "Virtual Attribute."

I hope my question is making sense. Just want custom questions to ask during someone fillikng out a form that is added to an email for approval so the reason for the change is quick to read and understand the reason why, rather than just seeing "What" change is being requested.

Thank You!

by (490 points)

we would also like this feature, seems to be a very basic request, which is available in other systems

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (299k points)
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Best answer


Unfortunately, there is currently no such possibility. However, thank you for the suggestion. We forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.


Ahhh ok! Hopefully that can be added. I REALLY am impressed by how customizabile and scalable this system is. It truly is UNMATCHED for other AD Management with a fully customizable experience that allows me to follow the least privliged approach.

This feature is the only feature I think is lacking when it comes to approval requests that come through. Even if the change they are requesting doesn't make sense to the user. If they can free-form explain the changes needed, maybe the approver can identify that the user maybe needs a different group then what is selected and can deny the request and process the correct change and reference the denied request.

For example, user selects they access to "Oracle Production" group but they mention they are a developer needing access to test out the database. In this case, the approver could say "Oh, you are a developer wanting to test? You don't need the "Oracle Production" Group, you need "Oracle Test" instead. Let me go ahead and process the change to add the user to the correct group. Approver could deny the request and state in the reason "User stated they were a dev looking to test which requires Oracle Test Group, I went ahead and processed this change outside of this request."

Bonus points to Adaxes if they could add a feature where certain people could modify the "Change" the user inputs into the form before it get's processed. So the Approver could change the group to be requested and then approve it so only the updated change by the approver goes through.



Bonus points to Adaxes if they could add a feature where certain people could modify the "Change" the user inputs into the form before it get's processed

The feature is in our roadmap (Updating operations that are sent for approval): https://www.adaxes.com/info_roadmap.htm.

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