0 votes

is Adaxes still being developed? we dont seem have any updates at all this year, what is the status with the roadmap, there are items on there that have been on the list for years?

the blog is never updated, there is no news published anywere

by (300 points)

Thank you for bringing this up. I had the same concern.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (299k points)


is Adaxes still being developed?

Yes, Adaxes is being actively developed. The next release includes a significant web interface overhaul and is planned for early 2025.

what is the status with the roadmap, there are items on there that have been on the list for years?

Items on our roadmap don't have an expiration date. Some older items were not requested enough to become high priority tasks. There's still a chance they will eventually make it into Adaxes. Older items that were requested a lot will definitely be implemented. We are working on some of those right now.

the blog is never updated, there is no news published anywere

There are simply no news to be published. We usually post news only when we release a new major version.

0 votes
by (60 points)

Softerra is, IMHO, more of a quality-over-quantity kind of operation. They clearly prioritize kicking out a solid product over social or news updates (which is a rarity these days).

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