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I am trying to get a better understanding of how all this works, so forgive me if some of these questions don't make sense.

We are trying to remove our final Exchange On-Prem server as alll mailboxes have been migrated to EOL. We still have users being created in an on-prem active directory and we use Entra Id Connect to sync those to the cloud. If we remove that last on-prem exchange server, will we lose adaxes functionality to manage those on-prem exchange attributes?

Is there any plan for Adaxes to be able to suport functionality using the Exchange Management Tools when this type of scenario exists within domain?

If I manage a user from Adaxes on the domain xdomain.com which is an on-prem active directory that has entra id connect sync setup to sync the accounts to the cloud, then I would need to keep our last on-prem exchange server running?

by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (297k points)


If we remove that last on-prem exchange server, will we lose adaxes functionality to manage those on-prem exchange attributes?

For synchronized accounts certain Exchange properties must still be set via on-premises properties. Event without on-premises Exchange Adaxes will act accordingly.

Is there any plan for Adaxes to be able to suport functionality using the Exchange Management Tools when this type of scenario exists within domain?

Adaxes works with Exchange Management Tools except for certain functionality like converting remote mailboxes. Unfortunately, there is no possibility to implement that. At the same time, you do not need EMT if all your mailboxes are migrated to Exchange Online and you have no remote mailboxes.

If I manage a user from Adaxes on the domain xdomain.com which is an on-prem active directory that has entra id connect sync setup to sync the accounts to the cloud, then I would need to keep our last on-prem exchange server running?

It is only required to keep an Exchange server if you actually need remote mailboxes. Without on-premises Exchange they actually do not work.

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