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We are looking to create a custom from to create Contract Resources with specific attributes and Service Accounts with different specific attributes. We are wanting to have a specific form for each to make the information gathered uniform.
Please advise.

by (3.2k points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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There is no possibility to have different Create Object forms for different OUs. As a workaround, you can use multiple Create Object Home Page Actions for this purpose. For information on how to create the Home Page Action, have a look at the Create New Object section of the following tutorial: http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInte ... #createnew.


Thank you, this looks like it is going to work. We are setting it up now. We need though the employeeID to be set automatically from a rolling number (ex. contract0123 then contract0124 then contract0125). Can you provide a powershell script or other way of doing this.

We envision allowing the department manager to create the account by filling in all the information and just adding an approval at the end to validate all information.


We are also getting a weird result when using the custom form option and pre-defined fields option. See below.

When you look at the created account we get my first name and last name in the full name field instead of the entered information. Please advise.



Can you provide a powershell script or other way of doing this.

Yes, sure. See the following script in our Script Repository: http://www.adaxes.com/script-repository ... s-s494.htm.

When you look at the created account we get my first name and last name in the full name field instead of the entered information.

Such behavior is by design. All value references on the Web Interface are resolved for the currently logged on user, not the target object. Consider using Property Patterns instead.


Property won’t work as it is specific to certain user and not across the board.

What value does having the user logged in name entered instead of the user being created?



Property won’t work as it is specific to certain user and not across the board.

Could you provide us with more details on why Property Patterns won’t work in your case?

What value does having the user logged in name entered instead of the user being created?

What exactly do you mean?


Property pattern for an employee would be different for a contract resource.
ex. employees get a specific employee ID and contract resource do not.

What exactly do you mean?

Why would you want to add the currently logged in user information to a user account being created. That doesn't seem to be helpful. When we create a user account through a form the firstname and lastname entered should be used.



Property pattern for an employee would be different for a contract resource.
ex. employees get a specific employee ID and contract resource do not.

You can create a separate Property Pattern for the employees and contract resource OUs. In this case you will not need to use predefined values in the Home Page Action.

Why would you want to add the currently logged in user information to a user account being created. That doesn't seem to be helpful. When we create a user account through a form the firstname and lastname entered should be used.

The thing is that there are certain parts of the Web Interface, where there is no target object to resolve value references on. For example, the Link to Specific URL can use a value references, but it is not executed on a particular object. For this reason, we decided that value references will always be resolved for the currently logged on user in the Web Interface.


Thank you we used the Property Pattern on a specific OU and it worked.

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