0 votes

Hi team,

I would like to update allowed values of a property pattern and found this script: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/add-new-allowed-property-value-to-a-property-pattern-s585.htm

However this will only work for one new value. How can I add multiple new values? I tried already a foreach around it, but not working properly :/

by (1.5k points)


How exactly are you going to specify the values? Is it going to be in a custom command parameter? If so, how exactly are the values going to be specified? Please, describe the desired workflow in all the possible details with live examples.



it is working now, I needed to remove one break command

Here is the script

$propertyName = "adm-CustomAttributeText1"
$propertyPatternDN = "xxxx" 
$namesDomains = @("Value1","Value2")

foreach($parameterValue in $namesDomains) {        
    # Bind to the Property Pattern
    $userPattern = $Context.BindToObject("Adaxes://$propertyPatternDN")
    $values = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
    $isPropertyRequired = $False
    foreach ($item in $userPattern.Items) {
        if ($item.PropertyName -ne $propertyName) {

        $constraints =  $item.GetConstraints()
        $constraint = $constraints.GetConstraint("ADM_PROPERTYCONSTRAINTCATEGORY_VALUEFORMAT")

        # Check if new value exists
        if ($constraint.Values -contains $parameterValue) {

        # Get current values
        $constraint.Values | %%{[void]$values.Add($_)}
        $isPropertyRequired = $item.IsPropertyRequired

        # Remove Property Pattern item

    # Add new value

    # Sort values

    # Update Property Pattern
    $item = $userPattern.Items.Create()
    $item.PropertyName = $propertyName
    $item.IsPropertyRequired = $isPropertyRequired

    $constraints = $item.GetConstraints()
    $constraint = $constraints.Create("ADM_PROPERTYCONSTRAINTTYPE_VALUERANGE")
    $constraint.AreValuesDenied = $False
    $constraint.Values = $values.ToArray()

    # Save the changes

1 Answer

0 votes
by (285k points)


Your approach cannot be used in the UI as the values must be entered directly in the script. In this case, it is probably easier to just use the Administration console to add the required values. Also, your script will make a lot of extra work including the binding to the property pattern separately for each value in the predefined array. If that is the approach you want to use, here is the updated script that will do the trick.

$propertyName = "company" # TODO: modify me
$propertyPatternDN = "CN=My Pattern,CN=Property Patterns,CN=Configuration Objects,CN=Adaxes Configuration,CN=Adaxes" # TODO: modify me
$valuesToAdd = @("value1", "value2")

# Form new values list
$values = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($valueToAdd in $valuesToAdd)

# Bind to the Property Pattern
$userPattern = $Context.BindToObject("Adaxes://$propertyPatternDN")
$isPropertyRequired = $False
foreach ($item in $userPattern.Items)
    if ($item.PropertyName -ne $propertyName)

    $constraints =  $item.GetConstraints()
    $constraint = $constraints.GetConstraint("ADM_PROPERTYCONSTRAINTCATEGORY_VALUEFORMAT")

    # Get current values
    $constraint.Values | Where-Object { $values -notcontains $_ } | %%{[void]$values.Add($_)}
    $isPropertyRequired = $item.IsPropertyRequired

    # Remove Property Pattern item

# Sort values

# Update Property Pattern
$item = $userPattern.Items.Create()
$item.PropertyName = $propertyName
$item.IsPropertyRequired = $isPropertyRequired

$constraints = $item.GetConstraints()
$constraint = $constraints.Create("ADM_PROPERTYCONSTRAINTTYPE_VALUERANGE")
$constraint.AreValuesDenied = $False
$constraint.Values = $values.ToArray()

# Save the changes

Thank you so much for this! Working!


One more question. I noticed the "Hint & Help" area is overwritten also and empty after script was excecuted. Can I add this as well via Script?



The behavior is expected similarly to the option making the property required. You can retrieve the hint and help tests into variables and then add them to the new property item being created. The following article should be helpful: https://adaxes.com/sdk/IAdmPropertyPatternItem.


Thanks, working like a charm now.

Updates script for reference

$propertyName = "company" # TODO: modify me
$propertyPatternDN = "CN=My Pattern,CN=Property Patterns,CN=Configuration Objects,CN=Adaxes Configuration,CN=Adaxes" # TODO: modify me
$valuesToAdd = @("value1", "value2")

# Form new values list
$values = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($valueToAdd in $valuesToAdd)

# Bind to the Property Pattern
$userPattern = $Context.BindToObject("Adaxes://$propertyPatternDN")
$isPropertyRequired = $False
foreach ($item in $userPattern.Items)
    if ($item.PropertyName -ne $propertyName)

    $constraints =  $item.GetConstraints()
    $constraint = $constraints.GetConstraint("ADM_PROPERTYCONSTRAINTCATEGORY_VALUEFORMAT")

    # Get current values
    $constraint.Values | Where-Object { $values -notcontains $_ } | %%{[void]$values.Add($_)}
    $isPropertyRequired = $item.IsPropertyRequired
    $hint = $item.Hint
    $customHelpText = $item.CustomHelpText
    $propertyInfoMode = $item.PropertyInfoMode

    # Remove Property Pattern item

# Sort values

# Update Property Pattern
$item = $userPattern.Items.Create()
$item.PropertyName = $propertyName
$item.IsPropertyRequired = $isPropertyRequired
$item.Hint = $hint
$item.CustomHelpText = $customHelpText
$item.PropertyInfoMode = $propertyInfoMode

$constraints = $item.GetConstraints()
$constraint = $constraints.Create("ADM_PROPERTYCONSTRAINTTYPE_VALUERANGE")
$constraint.AreValuesDenied = $False
$constraint.Values = $values.ToArray()

# Save the changes

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