0 votes

I am looking for a solution to recognize in advance when the storage space of a shared mailbox is full and then a mail is sent Unfortunately, the report under Quotas, Limits and Restrictions does not provide the desired result. So far we have queried this manually via PS Script:

# Retrieve all shared mailboxes within the OU
$mailboxes = Get-Mailbox  -RecipientTypeDetails SharedMailbox

# Initiate the report
$report = @()

# Collect information for each mailbox in the OU
foreach ($mailbox in $mailboxes) {
    $mailboxUser = $mailbox.PrimarySmtpAddress

    # Retrieve mailbox statistics
    $mailboxStats = Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity $mailboxUser

    # Get the used mailbox size as a string and trim after the parentheses
    $usedSize = $mailboxStats.TotalItemSize.ToString() -replace '\s*\(.*$', ''

    # Retrieve maximum mailbox size from the quota property as a string (directly from the result)
    $maxSize = $mailbox.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota.ToString() -replace '\s*\(.*$', ''

    # Query archive size if available
    $archiveSize = "No archive available"
    if ($mailbox.ArchiveStatus -eq "Active") {
        $archiveStats = Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity "$mailboxUser" -Archive
        $archiveSize = $archiveStats.TotalItemSize.ToString() -replace '\s*\(.*$', ''

    # Create report entry
    $reportEntry = @"

Used Size: $usedSize
Maximum Size: $maxSize
Archive: $archiveSize


    # Add entry to the report
    $report += $reportEntry


# Write the entire report to a file
$reportFile = "$reportDir\SharedMailboxesReport.txt"
$report -join "`r`n" | Out-File -FilePath $reportFile -Encoding UTF8

Is there possibly a solution to query this automatically via Adaxes? Thanks!

by (570 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (299k points)

Hello Boris,

You can use the following script from our repository in a condition: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/check-mailbox-size-s450.htm. If the condition is met, the Send email notification action should be executed.


Hello Boris,

Thank you for the provided example. For us to write a script that will generate the report, please, provide us with a screenshot of the Multi-server environment dialog. The dialog displays how many Adaxes services you have and what their versions are. For information on how to view it, see https://www.adaxes.com/help/MultiServerEnvironment. You can post the screenshot here or send to us at support@adaxes.com.



we have only one instance running: image.png

thanks for your support


Hello Boris,

Thank you for all the provided details. To achieve the desired, use the below script. To execute the script, create a report with a scope and no parameters. In the script:

  • $usedSizeColumnID - Specifies the identifier of the custom column that will contain the used mailbox space in Gb.
  • $maxSizeColumnID - Specifies the identifier of the custom column that will contain the maximum mailbox size in Gb.
  • $freeSizeColumnID - Specifies the identifier of the custom column that will contain the free mailbox space in Gb.
  • $usedSizeInPercentageColumnID - Specifies the identifier of the custom column that will contain the used mailbox space in percents.
  • $archiveSizeColumnID - - Specifies the identifier of the custom column that will contain the mailbox archive size in Gb.

To obtain a report custom column identifier:

  • On the Columns tab, right-click the custom column in the Report-specific columns section.
  • In the context menu, navigate to Copy and click Column ID.
  • The column identifier will be copied to clipboard.

For details on how to schedule reports, see https://www.adaxes.com/help/ScheduleReports.

$usedSizeColumnID = "{94bd8499-088d-43c2-bd1e-e1c1b7fa9f23}" # TODO: modify me
$maxSizeColumnID = "{c19d2faa-c0f6-4071-9f81-cd461b31738b}" # TODO: modify me
$freeSizeColumnID = "{73a25196-887b-44aa-aca5-372248248e42}" # TODO: modify me
$usedSizeInPercentageColumnID = "{93cbc727-11d8-4e8a-adf5-6934469a2126}" # TODO: modify me
$archiveSizeColumnID = "{550e1ce1-e633-46fb-ae09-3941ff8c094e}" # TODO: modify me

$criteria = New-AdmCriteria "user" {mailboxType -eq "shared"}
    $searchIterator = $Context.DirectorySearcher.ExecuteSearch()
    while ($Context.MoveNext($searchIterator))
        $searchResult = $searchIterator.Current
        $user = $Context.BindToObjectBySearchResult($searchResult)

        # Get Exchange properties
            $mailboxParams = $user.GetMailParameters()
            $Context.LogMessage($_.Exception.Message, "Warning")

        # Check quotas
        if ($NULL -eq $mailboxParams.StorageQuotas.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota)

        # Get mailbox size and max size
        $mailboxSizeGB = $mailboxParams.UsageInfo.Size.GetGBytes()
        $maxSizeGB = $mailboxParams.StorageQuotas.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota.GetGBytes()

        # Skip less than 90 percentage
        $usedSizeInPercentage = [System.Math]::Round(($mailboxSizeGB/$maxSizeGB)*100)
        if ($usedSizeInPercentage -lt 90)

        # Get free size
        $freeSizeGB = $maxSizeGB - $mailboxSizeGB

        # Get Archive size
        # Get properties of the 'Archiving' feature
        $archiving = $mailboxParams.MailboxFeatures.GetItemByType("ADM_EXCHANGE_MAILBOXFEATURETYPE_ARCHIVE")
        if ($archiving.Enabled -and $NULL -ne $archiving.Size)
            $archiveSizeGB = $archiving.Size.GetGBytes()
            $archiveSizeGB = $NULL

        $customColumns = @{
            $usedSizeColumnID = [System.Math]::Round($mailboxSizeGB, 4)
            $maxSizeColumnID = [System.Math]::Round($maxSizeGB, 4)
            $freeSizeColumnID = [System.Math]::Round($freeSizeGB, 4)
            $usedSizeInPercentageColumnID = $usedSizeInPercentage
            $archiveSizeColumnID = [System.Math]::Round($archiveSizeGB, 4)
        $Context.Items.Add($searchResult, $customColumns, $NULL)
    if ($searchIterator) { $searchIterator.Dispose() }

Hello Support,

Thank you very much for the time and effort you have invested, the script fulfills my requirements perfectly. :) Unfortunately it is stopping with "The pipeline has been stopped", after some minutes I have set the scope to "specific location" and "direct children", which contains ~200 Mailboxes. Any thing else I could do, to avoid the error?



Hello Boris,

The error occurs because executing the script takes longer than 10 minutes which is the default timeout. You can change the timeout, but it can only be done for all scripts.

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