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Dear Supportteam,

we have an issue, that the service hangs up after a few days of working with Adaxes.
The Log-DB is not such big, for such an issue.
When the service hangs up, we got no connection to the webinterface (which is normal).
We try to stop the service, but we get a timeout of it and the service is not running anymore.
Starting it creates again the connection to the webinterface.
Could we check a Logfile or a similiar log for this issue?



by (450 points)

Hello Massimo,

You can have a look at Adaxes Event Log.

Also, we advise you to have a look at all scripts executed by Business Rules, Custom Commands and Scheduled Tasks. You need to check for any scripts that need to release resources, connections in the first turn, explicitly. If such scripts run with an error and don't release the resources when necessary, the connections may remain hanging for a long period of time. Since the number of open connections allowed to Adaxes Service is limited, earlier or later such scripts can exhaust the connection pool and block the service operation.

In case if your script needs to release resources / close connections explicitly, we suggest using the try ... finally block in order to make sure that connections are closed and resources are released even if a script errors out. For an example on how to use the block, have a look at the following script in our Script Repository: http://www.adaxes.com/script-repository ... r-s364.htm.



I get this Message:

Das Zeitlimit (30000 ms) wurde beim Warten auf eine Transaktionsrückmeldung von Dienst Softerra Adaxes Service erreicht.

Don't know what to do!




Hello Massimo,

The error message means that the Web Interface didn't receive a response within the time limit set. As mentioned in our previous post, you need to perform some troubleshooting steps to find out the reason for the issue. Did you try the steps provided in the post?

Also, we advise you to have a look at all scripts executed by Business Rules, Custom Commands and Scheduled Tasks. You need to check for any scripts that need to release resources, connections in the first turn, explicitly. If such scripts run with an error and don't release the resources when necessary, the connections may remain hanging for a long period of time. Since the number of open connections allowed to Adaxes Service is limited, earlier or later such scripts can exhaust the connection pool and block the service operation.

Also, can you provide us a copy of Adaxes Event Log (right-click -> Save All Events As)? You can send it to support[at]adaxes.com.

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