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Hi team,

is there any possibility to see "live" which types of tasks/business rules/scripts/etc are running currently on Adaxes Server?

I noticed a CPU of >95% for a while and would like to investigate what is going on and where.

by (1.7k points)

1 Answer

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by (15.5k points)


Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. However, you can check what scheduled tasks are currently running. In the Adaxes Administration console, their names are highlighted in bold. Additionally, you can view the Adaxes general log for events that occurred while high CPU usage was observed. Also, you can check how many pending approval requests you currently have: https://www.adaxes.com/help/AllPendingApprovalRequests. If the number is significant (more than 500 pending requests) an additional CPU load might be observed as there are background tasks that process the requests.


Ok, will do, thanks :)

Any plans to have such an overview in future? I know, I can check all scheduled tasks ... but it take a while sometimes to open all folders :D



There are currently no such plans. However, thank you for the suggestion, we will forward it to the corresponding department for consideration.

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