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Hi , i have move action

I want ADAXES to Remove user from group named like this ADG1 and add user to ADG2 if user moved from OU ADG1 to ADG2 , did create such task but i can not find how can i specify in this

image.png so if user is member of group named like this shift_check_in_1 i want to remove and add anohter group named shift_check_in_2

by (470 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


The easiest way here is to use rule-based groups. For details, have a look at the corresponding section of the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/AddUsersToGroupsByDepartment/#dynamicgroups.


Is there any way that i can specify like if user group - name is - shift-1,2,3,4 then remove after remove a new action will add specified group?



Not sure we understand what exactly you mean. Did you try using rule-based groups?





As we mentioned previously, you need to use rule-based groups. This way, you will only need to specify a single membership rule per group. Adding and removing members will be performed automatically and there will be no need for any business rules at all.


I don't understand. What i need to do now in my case ? Can you explain? 1 exapmle is enough



You need to make the groups rule-based. This way each group will only contain users from the corresponding OU and none else. It is all described in the tutorial we referenced. Here is the link again: https://www.adaxes.com/help/AddUsersToGroupsByDepartment/#dynamicgroups. Here is an example of the configuration you will have for a group: image.png

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