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I have a question regarding the suffix, how can I get the same dropdown "after user creation" in the edit section like at user creation, because the domain suffix has to be changed:

During creation I have all my suffixes available: image.png

But not after creation:



ago by (550 points)

1 Answer

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ago by (294k points)

Hello Boris,

Such a thing can only happen if the effective property pattern determining allowed suffixes for the username property changes. It might happen so that a user is created in one OU where one property pattern is effective and then gets moved (automatically or manually) to another OU with another effective property pattern. The best way to avoid such situations is to have a single separate property pattern determining username suffixes for all the managed domains.


Thanks for supporting me in this case. Your are right, my Actvitiy scope of the pattern was only one-level, unfortunately I didn't pay attention to that.

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