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We have strict naming conventions when it comes to creating objects in AD, especially Security groups.

Is it possible to set variables and selection lists in the Adaxes forms? Then depending on what selection is made by the Admin the correct group is created in the correct OU's.

For example:

Admin selects to create a type: 'Data', 'Domain Local' security group for providing 'Modify' access to 'Data' in: 'Paris', with a description of 'Example'

Data, Modify, and Paris being a selection list / drop down etc

The form would then know to create a Security Group in the Paris OU with a name of 'DL_M_D_Par_Example'

Oh, and it would have to know that the option 'Modify' for example is only available when selecting a type of 'Data'

I know this is a bit vague, but I wanted to start with the basics before I got onto the real meaty requirements ;)



by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)


Yes, it is possible to do what you need.

Using Property Patterns you can allow users to select property values from a predefined list.
For details, please see Automatically Set Users' Address Based on Their Office.

Is it possible to set variables and selection lists in the Adaxes forms?

You can use any property of group objects to store the data. For example, if you use Exchange, you can use extensionAttribute1, extensionAttribute2. etc. If you don't use Exchange, you need to wait for the next minor release of Adaxes that is scheduled for the end of this week. The new version will allow you to use virtual properties.

Please note that it is possible to change display names of AD object properties:
Customizing Display Names for AD Properties.

The form would then know to create a Security Group in the Paris OU with a name of 'DL_M_D_Par_Example'

Using a PowerShell script that is automatically executed before creation of a new group, you can change the group name:
Validate/Modify User Input Using a Script. To change the name of a group, you just need to modify the name property of the group object. Example: $Context.SetModifiedPropertyValue("name", "My Custom Name")

You can also customize the form used for creation of groups in AD, and remove the Name field from that form.
For details, see Customize Forms for User Creation and Editing. In this case, using Property Patterns you will need to specify how the group name is generated by default. For example, you can use the following template: %adm-RandomString,10%.

On how to move AD object based on the user input, please have a look at Move Newly Created Users to a Specific OU.

Oh, and it would have to know that the option 'Modify' for example is only available when selecting a type of 'Data'

This feature is in our TODO list.



Thanks for replying to my post so quickly.

I can see there are a few components that need to be put together to achieve our requirements. For that reason I was wondering if Adaxes offer any consultancy time to get customer requirements up and running?




Yes, sure. Please contact us at *support[at]adaxes.com.



Today we released a minor update for Adaxes 2012.1. The latest build allows you using virtual properties for AD objects.

You can download the latest build here.
Upgrade instructions.

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