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by (470 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)


Creating such a report is possible, but the report it self will be pretty much useless. It will just take very long time to generate it. We recommend you to use the following approach:

  1. Create a scheduled task that will preserve mailbox size and mailbox archive size to account properties. In the task, you can use the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/save-mailbox-size-to-active-directory-attribute-s454.htm. It just misses the part for the archive.
  2. Use a built-in report, All users (you can create a copy of it) with just the required columns.
  3. The report should have the sorting set to the property containing mailbox sizes.

If the approach meets your needs, but you have issue updating the script, we will help you.



Is there a way I can edit this? It generally shows what I need, except for the database size. It's a default report



There are no built-in reports showing mailbox and mailbox archive sizes. That is the part that will make any report useless in terms of generation. As we mentioned in the previous post, it is possible to create such a report, but the generation time will be out of bounds.

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