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We've got a business rule setup that when an account is expired it mails certain people to take certain actions. This works fine, however we've had an issue lately, where a temp became permanent, therefore the account expiry was removed. This triggered an email, stating that the account expires never

Whilst I appreciate this is a valid response is there a way that when the date is removed it sends a different email? I can't wrap my head around the logic using Adaxes conditions :(

As a work around, I amended the rule so that it only sends the email if the employee type has not changed, from temp to permanent for example. Not ideal but it sort of works.

Essentially there's three types of notifications I need regarding Account Expiry:

1) Account is set to expire that was empty before - sends an 1 email to say an expiry has been set what we have in place works for this one - but maybe you guys can think of a better solution
2) A user moves from Temp to permanent, so the account expiry is removed - I'd like a different trigger for this to send an email.
3) An account expiry is amended - sends a similar email as per point 1, but lists the old expiry and new expiry date.

Thanks in advance

by (490 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer


Yes, you can use the If account/password <expiration status> condition for this purpose.

For example, your Business Rule can look something like this:


That was.....stupidly simple and I should have seen it, thank you very much!

When the account expiration changes from one day to the other, is there a way to capture the old details and new into an email notification?

Presumably I'd need to copy the old value to a custom attribute and include it in the email?



Yes, you will need to create a Business Rule that will write the current value of the Account Expires property into a custom text attribute (e.g. CustomAttributeText1) using the following PowerShell script:

$propertyName = "adm-CustomAttributeText1" # TODO: modify me

$accountExpires = $Context.TargetObject.Get("accountExpires")
if ($accountExpires -eq 0 -or $accountExpires -eq 9223372036854775807)
    $Context.TargetObject.Put($propertyName, "Never")
    $date = [DateTime]::FromFiletimeUtc([Int64]::Parse($accountExpires))
    $Context.TargetObject.Put($propertyName, $date.ToString())


The Business Rule will look like the following:

To include the old value of the Account Expires property into the email notification, use the %adm-CustomAttributeText1% value reference in the Message text.

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