I viewed the URL provided, and I created the Custom Command/Scheduled Task as described with the two PS scripts. When I run the command against a user, I get the following error:
"Method invocation failed because [softerra.adaxes.adsi.admuser] does not contain a method named Add".
Someone replied to my message left at the script repository URL stating that I need to use the script in a Custom Command configured for Group Object type. When I configure it this way, it does not appear to allow me to identify the users that will need to be added. That's where I am getting confused.
We would like to have a custom command in Adaxes Administrator which would allow us to select multiple users, and add them to the Remote Users AD group temporarily for 24 hours when we have issues with office closings due to weather. We would then like to have a scheduled task run every 24 hours and remove the users who were added to the Remote Users group on a temporary basis.
Thanks in advance for any replies sent.