I am trying to build a custom command to add a specific user to a rule based group in adaxes and I am curious if it is something we can use the API to complete?
It is generally impossible to add members to rule-based groups. It is only done automatically. Neither built-in actions nor any kind of scripts will work. The behavior is by design and cannot be changed.
Our Help Desk currently 'mirrors' the group membership of a new user based on another existing user in our AD. I'd like to be able to automate this so that the initiator ... and 'paste' it on the new user being created. Any help on this would be appreciated!
When setting up a rule based group, GMSA objects are not visible. Is there a setting or view I need to add to make these availabe to rule based groups, or is it simply not an option?
Hello, I'm trying to create a business rule that will update a user account expiry date when that user logs in for the first time. I'm new to Adaxes, so I don't have a ... updated by a user's action, such as "Last Logon". Is it possible to make this work?
I'm looking at this onliner Set-AdmUser -Identity $DN -Replace @{AADPHoto = $photoBytes} -AdaxesService localhost -Server. I get an illegal operation error. Wondering what I ... the photo in AD and Azure at the same time to avoid waiting for synchronization.
Is there a way to have the Create User trigger to run a command to trigger the update user flag/trigger to be hit? The goal is to have specific Create User tasks to also go through the same tasks as the Update user.