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I have an M365 tenant synched with my on-premise AD, via Entra Cloud Sync. I also have a domain in AWS with the same usernames as in the on-premise domain. These are the same user names and I would like to synchronize the passwords between all 3, Entra, on-premise AD, and AWS AD.

I tried to use Entra Cloud Sync to sync the AWS AD domain with Entra, but it creates duplicate user accounts. Is there a way to accomplish this task with Adaxes?

by (40 points)

1 Answer

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by (300k points)


Unfortunately, there is no possibility to use Adaxes to actually synchronize user passwords. However, if all three domains are registered in Adaxes and passwords are never updated outside the software, you can use the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/reset-user-password-in-resource-domain-s333.htm.

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