We have a single AD domain that also matches our primary email domain (e.g. @primarydomain.com), but we also have multiple company specific email domains (e.g. @companydomain.com) hosted in Office 365. We use AD Sync to sync users from our local domain with O365.
Manually we would create a user in AD with a default email address that would match the following: firstname.surname@primarydomain.com
We would then sync to O365, and after the fact we would then amend the email property for the user in AD to firstname.surname@companydomain.com, and then add SMTP:firstname.surname@companydomain.com and smtp:firstname.surname@primarydomain.com to the proxy address fields for the user in AD. After the next sync the user will then have firstname.surname@companydomain.com as primary email address, firstname.surname@primarydomain.com as an alias and firstname.surname@primarydomain.com as O365 login name.
How can I replicate this in Adaxes, considering that we would like to also link the companydomain.com to the user's company value set in AD.