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Subject: Connecting to a Foreign Domain Without a Trust Relationship

Hello Adaxes Support,

I am trying to connect to a domain that has no trust relationship and is not part of the same forest.

I attempted to connect using "Connect to Adaxes Service", specifying the server where the Adaxes Administration Console is installed, which is also a Domain Controller. However, I receive the following error: "Can't connect to the service '...'. The server has rejected the client credentials."

I assume that Adaxes is using the credentials of the currently logged-in user. But how can I provide credentials from the other domain or configure Adaxes on the target system to accept credentials from my (unknown) domain?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best regards,

Idkom Helpdesk

by (40 points)

1 Answer

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by (300k points)


To be able to manage a domain in Adaxes, you need to register it. For details on how to do that, have a look at the following article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/RegisterUnregisterManagedDomain. For the registration to work, make sure that all the ports used by Adaxes are open: https://www.adaxes.com/questions/20/what-ports-does-adaxes-use.

The steps you performed are only for connecting to an existing Adaxes service. You cannot use it for any other purpose.

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