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I have few business rules for AD account rename to validate input data and make sure username selected is unique in AD, but sometimes it fails with very non-explaining error "The parameter is incorrect. (Server: <domain name>)".
Could you please suggest any ways I could identify which of the scripts fail and maybe why? Is there an option to view running output of them?
Here is the output I get on running rename function in Adaxes:

Business Rules: 2 rules encountered while processing your request
'BR26 before updating a user': Run PowerShell script 'Set old values to custom attributes' for the user
'BR14 set alias and mail after rename': Run PowerShell script 'trim if needed' for the user
'BR14 set alias and mail after rename': Run PowerShell script 'verify input' for the user
The username has been changed to newname.
The parameter is incorrect. (Server: <domain name>)

BR26 - is a "Before updating a User" rule
BR14 - is a "Before renaming a User" rule

by (760 points)

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by (216k points)
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Could you please suggest any ways I could identify which of the scripts fail

Based on the Execution Log information in your post, this is the “verify input” script used in the BR14 Business Rule that fails. The logs are structured in such a way that the action that causes an error is located right above the error itself.

and maybe why?

The issue can be caused by the fact that the new username is already used for another user account in your domain. For troubleshooting purposes, could you post here or send us (support[at]addaxes.com) the “verify input” script?

Is there an option to view running output of them?

It is possible to add a message to the Execution Log of the operation that caused execution of the script. To do so, you need to use the LogMessage method in your script. For information on how to do so, have a look at the following SDK article: http://adaxes.com/sdk/?ExecuteScriptContextClass.html.

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