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Hello, is there a way to shrink the size of the local DB3 file?
We have modified the number of days for log retention but would like the DB file to be reduced as well.

Second question, why does it load the file into memory before starting the service?


by (590 points)


Hello, is there a way to shrink the size of the local DB3 file?
We have modified the number of days for log retention but would like the DB file to be reduced as well.

The size of the AdaxesLog.db3 file depends on the number of log records created during the time period for the records retention. it means that updating the time period might not be enough. As a solution, you can store log records in an external database. For details, see https://www.adaxes.com/help/?Logging.EnableMSSQL.html.

When you decrease the time period, all log records older than the specified number of days will be removed within about 15 minutes. After some time the log DB file will also be updated. You just need to wait.

Second question, why does it load the file into memory before starting the service?

What exactly do you mean?


I have already set the logs to an SQL DB and we have lowered the log retention. Thank you.

I am talking specifically about the db3 file. It seems to load into memory. We discovered this because it was talking a very long time for the Adaxes service to start. We were also trying to figure out were all our memory was going.

Is there a way to shrink the db3 file? Since its a SQLite DB can we use a recommended way from that DB platform?



Could you post here or send us (support[at]adaxes.com) the following details:

  • The actual size of the AdaxesLog.db3 file. By default, the file is located in folder C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Service\LogDB\ on the computer where Adaxes service is installed.

  • The version of Adaxes are you currently using. To check that:

    1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
    2. Right-click your service.
    3. Click Properties in the context menu.
    4. Adaxes version is displayed on the General tab.
  • The length of Adaxes Command Queue. To check it:

    1. Get the backend port number of your Adaxes service. To do this:
      • In Adaxes Administration Console, right-click your service node.
      • Click Properties in the context menu.
      • The backend port will be displayed below the Check for updates button.
    2. Log on to the computer where Adaxes is installed.
    3. Stop Softerra Adaxes Service.
    4. Launch the LDP tool. To do this:
      • Press Win+R.
      • Type ldp.exe.
      • Press Enter.
    5. In the LDP tool window, click Connection and then click Connect.
    6. In the Server field specify the fully qualified domain name of Adaxes server.
    7. In the Port field, specify the service port you noted on step 1 and click OK.
    8. Click Connection and then click Bind.
    9. Specify the username, password and domain of the Adaxes service account (the account used to run Adaxes Service).
    10. Make sure that the Bind with credentials and Encrypt traffic after bind options are enabled and click OK.
    11. In the View menu, select Tree.
    12. In the Base DN drop-down list, select CN=Local Partition,CN={GUID}.
    13. Click OK.
    14. Navigate to CN=Local Partition,CN={GUID} \ CN=Adaxes ... \ CN=Pipeline Processor ... .
    15. Right-click CN=Command Queue ... and click Search.
    16. In the Filter field of the Search dialog, enter (objectClass=*).
    17. Select One level and click Run.
    18. In the Result Pane located to the right, check how many entries were fetched.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (590 points)

Just so everyone knows, once you reduce the log retention setting, the DB will shrink in size. It will need double the disk space in order to accomplish this.

Some of the info requested:
Version: 3.7.13122.0
The file was a silly size of 88GB it is now a rational 12.5GB
I can't stop the Adaxes Service without advanced notification so I can't get the command queue information requested at this time.

However, are log file is back to a manageable size. I have not restarted the service to test start up time since the log size reduction. Will update post once I have done this.



Thank you for the provided details. The memory issue you are experiencing was addressed in Adaxes 2017.2 while you are using an older version. To remedy the issue, we recommend upgrading to the latest version of Adaxes.

Upgrade Instructions

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