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After creating a new user I'm modifying the user and setting 2 proxy addresses.
I'm doing this with the build-in modify user functionality.

Our email format is %firstname%.%lastname%@domain1.com

End result looks like

However these values can contain spaces which we don't want.
I've used the following script in the past which works but it doesn't work for the proxyAddresses field. Probably because it has multiple values.

$spacesRemoved = $False
if ($Context.IsPropertyModified("ProxyAddresses"))
    $proxyAddresses = $Context.GetModifiedPropertyValue("ProxyAddresses")
    if ($proxyAddresses.Contains(" "))
        # Remove spaces
        $proxyAddresses = $proxyAddresses.Replace(" ", "")
        # Update proxyAddresses
        $Context.SetModifiedPropertyValue("ProxyAddresses", $proxyAddresses)
        $spacesRemoved = $True

# Log a message
if ($spacesRemoved)
    $Context.LogMessage("Spaces have been removed from the proxyAddresses",

So to clarify, we set multiple proxy addresses when creating a user.
Does anybody have an idea to get this working, i'm not as Powershell wizzard...

by (100 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)
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Best answer


As we understand, you are using the Modify Exchange properties action. In this case, the script will not work as it checks for a specific property modification. You need to use the below script in a Business Rule triggering Before Modifying Exchange properties of a User.

# Get Exchange properties set by the action
$modifiedMailboxParams = $Context.Action.MailParameters
if (-not($modifiedMailboxParams.EmailAddressesModificationEnabled))
    # E-mail addresses are not modified

# Get the modified e-mail addresses
$modifiedAddressesCollection = $modifiedMailboxParams.EmailAddresses

for ($i = 0; $i -lt $modifiedAddressesCollection.Count; $i++)
    $operation = "ADS_PROPERTY_NONE"
    $modifiedEmailAddress = $modifiedAddressesCollection.GetAddress($i,[ref]$operation)
    $modifiedEmailAddress.Address = $modifiedEmailAddress.Address.Replace(" ", "")

$Context.Action.MailParameters = $modifiedMailboxParams

Thank you for your reply!
Your script works but I have one challenge with this.

I initially didn't use the "modify exchange property" because on the moment of creating a new user the mailbox has not been created yet in Office 365 (we only have O365 mailboxes, users are synced from on premise AD)
When adding the email addresses (modifying the exchange properties) it returns an error that the user does not have a mailbox yet.

If we would do this manually we just add email addresses in the proxyAddresses AD attribute (this is what Office 365 is using to determine the email addresses)

Let me know if you need more clarification



Using the Modify Exchange properties action should work just fine if it is executed right after the action that assigns an Office 365 license with Exchange Online. In the Execution log, you will see a message stating that the mailbox is not created yet and Exchange properties will be updated later (i.e. when the mailbox is created). This behavior is by design. And the Business Rule we recommended will also work just fine in this case.

Is that what you saw in the Execution log? If not, could you provide us with a screenshot of the Business Rule and Execution log for it?


We are currently using group based licensing for O365 licensing.
This probably explains the different behavior.

We add the user to the "license group", this does mean that the license only gets assigned after the AD Connector sync.
We may have to consider going back to user based licensing and let Adaxes handle the assigning of licenses.

Or we need to delay the adding of email addresses until the mailbox has been created.



The final solution will depend on your decision. Let us know how you decide to assign Office 365 licenses and we will provide you with detailed instructions.


Will Adaxes also support Microsoft 365, It's currently not listed as a license and we are slowly migrating from Office 365 E3 to Microsoft 365 E3

This has influence on the solution we are going for.



As we understand, you do not see the license when assigning Office 365 licenses to users. If it was purchased after you configured Office 365 plans and services for your tenant in Adaxes, the plan is disabled. You need to enable it in the tenant settings. For details, see https://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Per ... Plans.html.


My bad, I missed it.. the license is called SPE_E3.

We will be assigning the license with Adaxes.

Thanks you for the great support!!

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