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Adaxes 2018.2 has arrived and is available for download!

Parameters for Custom Commands. Managing individual Office 365 services. And more.

Check out what’s new in the latest version: https://www.adaxes.com/info_whats-new.htm

Download Adaxes 2018.2: https://www.adaxes.com/download.htm

Follow the Upgrade Instructions: https://www.adaxes.com/resources/releas ... tNotes.htm

by (560 points)


Version 2018 contains many improvements, but I need more freedom in designing the web pages regarding:

- removing unnessacary buttons, dropdown lists, filter boxes, picture placeholders, etc.

- choosing fonts, font size, element spacing, etc.

- whether I want to display data and group members in small annoying fixed-sized boxes or not.

- whether lists should be sorted by default or not.

- whether an Action should be displayed or not (based on group- or role membership).

My mission is to create a solution that satisfies our users and I cannot imagine, that these configuration requests - which I don't consider exorbitant - is much of a challange for the skilled Softerra programmers, but I think IT will have a huge positive impact on our solution.

But what do other Adaxes system administrators think about this ?
As I have no one in my social network that uses Adaxes, I have to ask in this forum.
Chances are, that I'm just too demanding :lol: :oops:

- Thanks



  • removing unnessacary buttons, dropdown lists, filter boxes, picture placeholders, etc.

Could you provide us with all the possible details regarding this point? What exactly and why you need to remove?

choosing fonts, font size, element spacing, etc.

Currently, there are no plans for implementing the feature. It is most unlikely, that the feature will be implemented in future.

whether I want to display data and group members in small annoying fixed-sized boxes or not.

In the next version of Adaxes, Members, Member Of and Child objects sections will be resizable, will display more objects by default, you will be able to specify default sorting and grouping for the sections, etc. Also, action dialog boxes will be resizable and the size will be persisted.

  • whether an Action should be displayed or not (based on group- or role membership).

This feature is available starting with Adaxes 2018.1. For example, if a user has no permissions to reset passwords of other users, the Reset Password Action will not be displayed to the user in Adaxes Web Interface.



All in all, the upcoming updates sounds really great :D

Could you provide us with all the possible details regarding this point? What exactly and why you need to remove?

"Select dropdown" could be optional.
- The selection options makes no sense to our users.
- You have alreade made the "Show indirect membership" checkbox optional - which do not make any sense to our users either.
- Also, the possibility to select all groups in one click (next to a remove button), always increase the chances of misuse.

Photo placeholders could be optional:
- We do not use pictures on our users and the big placeholders looks unprofessional (IMO).
- Also, users can click on the (big) placeholder and try to upload a picture, although we can prevent the user from storing anything, it gives an unprofessional impression (IMO).

Main menu: icons for pending requests and approvals boxes could be optional:
- For now, only a icon for approvals is shown.
- Both icons would give the user a better overview of pending tasks - as in the 2017 version.

..... which leads me to an old request: Simple popup messagebox
- Suggestion: $Context.SimpleMessage ("message")
- There is no need to log a message to the user, using $Context.Logmessage.

- Thanks



Thank you for the provided details.

The selection options makes no sense to our users.

In the next version of Adaxes, if a specific type of groups is set to be displayed in the Member Of section, group types will not be displayed in the drop-down list.

Also, we are planning to make the View and Select options configurable.

We do not use pictures on our users and the big placeholders looks unprofessional (IMO).

Those are not placeholders, but pictures indicating user accounts.

Also, users can click on the (big) placeholder and try to upload a picture, although we can prevent the user from storing anything, it gives an unprofessional impression (IMO).

There is a known issue that the edit button appears over the picture when modifying a user even if the logged on user has no permissions to modify it. We will fix it in the next version of Adaxes. As a result, you will only need to deny the permissions to modify pictures and users will have no possibility to upload anything.

Main menu: icons for pending requests and approvals boxes could be optional:

Thank you for the suggestion. We have added your request to our sandbox. For now, you are the only one to request this feature. We will consider it should there be more requests.

which leads me to an old request: Simple popup messagebox

Thank you for the suggestion. We already have a similar feature in our plans. It will be possible to replace the Success message with a custom one.

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