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Hello Supportteam.

I have implemented the Reconnect MAilbox Script from the Script Repository.
It is working fine except one detail of the mailbox restore.
I want that the reconnected mailbox will be created in the same DB as before.
We have 16 DB on our Exchange, and some for external employees.
Is this possible?

Thanks in advance

by (50 points)

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by (298k points)
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That is exactly what the script should do if a mailbox is properly disconnected. The process should be like the following:

  1. When you execute the Disconnect mailbox script, it saves the mailbox GUID and the distinguished name (DN) of the mailbox database to the properties specified in the $mbGUIDProperty and $mbStorePathProperty variables accordingly and disconnects the mailbox.
  2. When you execute the Reconnect mailbox script, it gets the mailbox GUID and the distinguished name (DN) of the mailbox database from the properties and reconnects the mailbox.

A new mailbox is created only if the disconnected mailbox is not found for the user. For example, if you disconnect a mailbox in some other way and the information is not saved to the properties, the Reconnect mailbox script will not be able to find the disconnected mailbox and a new mailbox will be created.

Exchange does not immediately synchronize mailbox state which probably causes the issue. To check whether the mailbox state is synchronized:

  1. Disconnect a mailbox in Adaxes using the Disconnect mailbox script from our repository.
  2. Copy the value of the property specified by the $mbStorePathProperty variable.
  3. Sign in to the computer where Exchange is installed and run PowerShell.
  4. Execute the following command:
    Get-MailboxStatistics -Database <database_store> | where {$_.DisconnectDate -ne $Null}
    Where <database_store> is the value you copied on step 2.

Usually, mailboxes are added to the disconnected list once a day. For information on how to synchronize mailbox state, have a look at the following article: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/lib ... .150).aspx.

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