+1 vote

Is there a way to audit or export all the custom commands & scripts in a somewhat easy to read format?

I need to review everything that has been setup and some of custom commands and scripts need to be reviewed with persons that do not have access to the server.

by (1.3k points)


For now, we run this script listet here:

https://www.adaxes.com/script-repositor ... s-s394.htm

However, it does not export / include the powershell scripts source code.

If that could be fixed, it would make the documention task a lot easier ;)

- Thanks


The link is what I want to do but I get the following error.

We are running 2017.2 (3.8.14823.0)


This line is not in my script, which was made for version 2017.

"Reports \ Schedule" = "ReportSchedule", "adm-ReportScheduledTask";

Try to comment out ?


Think you better tighten up registration security/validation in this forum ..... !


This line is not in my script, which was made for version 2017.

"Reports \ Schedule" = "ReportSchedule", "adm-ReportScheduledTask";

Try to comment out ?

Commenting out that line worked. Thank you so much


Is there a way to audit or export all the custom commands & scripts in a somewhat easy to read format?


Do you need only the scripts added to the Custom Commands or all the scripts used in Adaxes? How the scripts should be added to the report? Please, provide all the possible details about the result you would like to achieve so we could adjust the script for you.


I would also like to see a way to export the scripts. Either to include all scripts that are in the custom commands, business rules, and scheduled reports as part of the email (will make for a long email) or attached to the email as txt files named to match the script names. The idea is a snapshot of the current workflows so we can compare what is happening to what was happening.

Also, is there a way to export the scripts to a file when the scripts change so that we can take advantage of outside repositories such as git? This would be a greatly enhance the development process of our automation. My current fear is that if someone were to alter a script, we have no visibility into what was changed.

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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Best answer


I would also like to see a way to export the scripts.

Have a look at the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repositor ... s-s531.htm.

Also, is there a way to export the scripts to a file when the scripts change so that we can take advantage of outside repositories such as git?

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility.


Thank you. That fits my needs perfectly.

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