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The approval I select the user who will approve.
If I select more than one user, will it be necessary to both approve / reject or only one approve / reject?

Is it possible to put a group? Or does it need to be individually?

by (550 points)

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If I select more than one user, will it be necessary to both approve / reject or only one approve / reject?

If you select multiple approvers, only one of them will need to approve the request. There is no need for all the approvers to process the request.

Is it possible to put a group? Or does it need to be individually?

It is possible to use both approaches. You can specify groups or user accounts in the list of approvers. If you specify a group, members of the group will be approvers.


I understand thank you.

Is it possible to have a hierarchy of approval? Does everyone need to approve or if one rejects the process is finalized?

Or in case you need two approvals, how to proceed?



Is it possible to have a hierarchy of approval?

Yes, it is possible. For details, have a look at section Multi-Level Approval of the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Delega ... eation.htm.

Does everyone need to approve or if one rejects the process is finalized?

When one of the approvers approves or denies a request, other approvers do not need to take any actions, the process gets finalized.


Thank you ;)

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