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In the previous version of Adaxes <2018 we could right click and copy/paste a form from one interface to the other.

Since the 2018 version with the web console we have to use the drop down list with this two options:
- Apply to other Web Interfaces
- Copy settings from another Web interface

I tried both and it has replace my entier interface by the one I copied, what I expected was to only add the specific action I've selected. :?

So how do I copy/paste a specific action form another web interface?

by (440 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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Best answer

Hello Alex,

Unfortunately, there is currently no possibility to copy actions from one Web Interface to another. The feature will be introduced in the next release of Adaxes which should be available within about a month.


Thanks for the information.

Hopefully the next release will also fix the extreme slowness of the admin interface from Edge/IE/Firefox. It's very frustrating working like that.


Hello Alex,

Could you, please, specify what exactly you mean by “slowness of the admin interface”? Is it about the Web Interface Configurator? What exactly is slow? Any additional details would be very helpful.


Yes the /adaxesconfig URL.

It's just very slow (3-5 seconds between each click) from Edge, from Firefox, same behaviour and I'm using a recent versions of those browsers from a Windows 10 OS.

By the way the new UI could also be improved, there is too many wasted space. Now we have to scroll to look for all the functions because there's huge margin between each category and it doesn't use the width efficiently at all. 95% of the population would be on a 16:9/1080p display but the interface is optimized for a 4:3/280p display.


Hello Alex,

Thank you for clarifying.

Most probably the behavior is caused by the number of Custom Commands you have. It was fixed in the latest version of Adaxes. You can download it here: https://www.adaxes.com/download.htm.


Hello Alex,

Thank you for clarifying.

Most probably the behavior is caused by the number of Custom Commands you have. It was fixed in the latest version of Adaxes. You can download it here: https://www.adaxes.com/download.htm.


I'm on the 3.10.16008.0 and the link is for the 3.10.16429.0 release, can you tell me if there is anything worth making an update for this minor version ?


Hello Alex,

As we mentioned earlier, version 3.10.16429 includes Adaxes Web Interface Configurator performance enhancements. The configurator should work much faster than in your current version (3.10.16008.0). For more details, check section Update 2 of Adaxes 2018.2 What's New: https://www.adaxes.com/info_whats-new_2 ... tm#update2.


Hello Alex,

Adaxes 2019.1 which includes the possibility to copy actions between Web Interfaces is now available. You can download it here.

What's New | Upgrade Instructions

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