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Is there a way to have a Scheduled Task run a Powershell script on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month?

Adaxes Version


by (1.3k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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You can configure the Scheduled Task to run every Wednesday and use the below script in the If PowerShell script returns true condition. The script will return True only if the Wednesday is the first or the third of the month.

$day = (Get-Date).Day
$Context.ConditionIsMet = (($day -le 7) -or (($day -ge 15) -and ($day -le 21)))

When you say

The script will return True only if the Wednesday is the first or the third of the month.

do you mean the 1st or 3rd Wednesday of the month or if the date of the 1st or 3rd and the day is Wednesday



The Scheduled Task will run on Wednesdays. The script condition will check if the Wednesday 1st or 3rd. So, we mean the 1st or 3rd Wednesday of the month.

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