I am looking to be able to bulk delete users. something similar to the bulk user provisioning that's available. any help with this would be great if I don't have to write a script which is what I am in the process of doing it.
Hello Jacob,
Could you, please, provide us with all the possible details on the desired workflow? How exactly you need to identify whether a user must be deleted? Should this be automatically done on a regular basis?
Hello Everyone, I have a few questions surrounding your bulk user creation offering via a CSV found here http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveD ... SVFile.htm Will our "After creating ... lot of use out of this feature if it's added in a future enhancement.
Hell I am following the steps from here: http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveD ... SVFile.htm. But when I try to login to any of the users I have created AD says the ... csv file settings. Any ideas on why am unable to login to any of the accounts? Thanks
Ver 2014.1 I'm working with a large amount of users and would like to change these properties in bulk: "User must change password at next login" "Password never expires" I cannot find a way to do this in the web console. Is this possible?
I want to modify multiple user account descriptions. I can't seem to do this by default. I've read in the FAQ that I can right click objects and select properties, but ... etc..." but nothing that lets me modify account properties. What am I missing? Thanks.
Is there a way to create user accounts in bulk via the web interface? Account operators will only have access through the web interface, so this is important.