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I have a handful of manual PowerShell scripts that I run after a new user is created. Most of these commands can be done using a Business Rule except one. I need to turn on global auditing but I don't see it as an option. Is this something that can be added in a future release? Can I run a PowerShell command in the meantime? The command is below. Thank you!

Set-Mailbox -AuditEnabled $true -AuditLogAgeLimit 180 -AuditAdmin Update, MoveToDeletedItems, SoftDelete, HardDelete, SendAs, SendOnBehalf, Create, UpdateFolderPermission -AuditDelegate Update, SoftDelete, HardDelete, SendAs, Create, UpdateFolderPermissions, MoveToDeletedItems, SendOnBehalf -AuditOwner UpdateFolderPermission, MailboxLogin, Create, SoftDelete, HardDelete, Update, MoveToDeletedItems
by (70 points)

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by (216k points)
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I need to turn on global auditing but I don't see it as an option. Is this something that can be added in a future release?

According to the Enable mailbox auditing article, mailbox audit logging is turned on by default for all Microsoft 365 organizations since January 2019. So, there is no necessity to turn it on again. You can configure default settings for mailbox auditing using the Set-OrganizationConfig cmdlet.

Can I run a PowerShell command in the meantime?

You can use the following script to configure mailbox auditing individually:

    # Get the object ID in Office 365
    $objectId = [Guid]$Context.TargetObject.Get("adm-O365ObjectId")
    return # The user doesn't have an Office 365 account

    # Connect to Exchange Online
    $session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri "https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/" `
        -Credential $Context.GetOffice365Credential() -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
    Import-PSSession $session -AllowClobber -DisableNameChecking -CommandName Set-Mailbox

    # Configure audit
    Set-Mailbox $objectId.ToString() -AuditEnabled $true -AuditLogAgeLimit 180 -AuditAdmin Update, MoveToDeletedItems, SoftDelete, HardDelete, SendAs, SendOnBehalf, Create, UpdateFolderPermission -AuditDelegate Update, `
                                                                  SoftDelete, HardDelete, SendAs, Create, UpdateFolderPermissions, MoveToDeletedItems, SendOnBehalf -AuditOwner UpdateFolderPermission, `
                                                                  MailboxLogin, Create, SoftDelete, HardDelete, Update, MoveToDeletedItems    
    # Close the remote session and release resources
    if ($session) { Remove-PSSession $session }

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