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How can create a Mail-User (Contact) in Exchange. ?


by (120 points)

Hello David,

Do we understand correctly that you need to automate provisioning of Exchange mailboxes? If that is correct, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Automa ... ration.htm. If that is not what you need, please, provide us with all the possible details regarding the desired behavior.


Sorry for the lack of details; here is the situation:

In Exchange or Office 365 there is two type of Contacts: Mail Users and Mail Contacts, Both have external email addresses and both contain information about people outside the organization that can be displayed address. A mail user has logon credentials in Exchange or Office 365 and can access resources.

In our case: When we want someone outside our organization login to our internal resources, we create a mail users in Exchange under Contact > Mail User. With this method the external user keeps his external email address but will have a username and password that can use to login to everything. The external email address will be the Primary SMTP and the secondary SMTP the username we create @ourdomain.com.

With this method the users does not need a mailbox so with don't need to assign Office365 licenses to them.

Info: We currently have a hybrid environment.
Hope this makes more sense. Thanks

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer

Hello David,

Thank you for the clarification.

The Mail user created via Exchange is represented in Active Directory as a user account with established external email address. Thus, you can create Mail users as regular user accounts and then just establish email addresses in Exchange for them. The email addresses can be established using the Establish email address in Exchange action in a Custom Command, Business Rule or Scheduled Task

or manually via the Establish Email Address option in the Exchange Tasks section of the user account context menu

The operation is also available in Adaxes Web Interface


Awesome, that works. thanks for your help.

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