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Hello Support

We have been asked to create a security group in AD for tracking Company Issued Cellphone users, we created the group already and now we need to have the workflow for notifications and such.

What we have worked out on paper is as follow:
1. Contact Manager (Security Role several people in position) will update the user record with attribute mobile number changing or being added depending on user. A Business Rule will add the user to a security group named " Company Cellphone Issued".
2. Once the user record is changed (specifically the "jobCode") or terminated, we would like a notification to be sent to the Contact Manager group. Our termination process removes all groups today so we would need a business rule to trigger when security group named "Company Cellphone issued " is removed.

Ideally we would like the Contact Manager to simply launch the Custom Command, select the user, add the property of mobile phone and the group would be added all in one step.

Please advise if you have any questions.

by (3.2k points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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  1. Contact Manager (Security Role several people in position) will update the user record with attribute mobile number changing or being added depending on user. A Business Rule will add the user to a security group named " Company Cellphone Issued".

You can use a Business Rule triggering After updating a user. The rule will check whether the Cell Phone property was updated and is not empty. If the conditions are met and the user is not a member of the Company Cellphone issued group, they will be added to it. The Business Rule will look like the following:

  1. Once the user record is changed (specifically the "jobCode") or terminated, we would like a notification to be sent to the Contact Manager group. Our termination process removes all groups today so we would need a business rule to trigger when security group named "Company Cellphone issued " is removed.

To send a notification before a member is removed from the Company Cellphone issued group, you can use a Business Rule triggering Before removing a member from a group and assign the rule over the group. The rule will look like the following:

Ideally we would like the Contact Manager to simply launch the Custom Command, select the user, add the property of mobile phone and the group would be added all in one step.

This can be done using the Modify User Web Interface action containing only the Cell Phone property on the form. For details , see https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInt ... nsPane.htm.

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