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We are deploying into a single forest, single domain. Our AD instances are e.g.


How can we export and import both the config and we configs between environments please?

What changes might need to be made to reflect the domain changes (assume that the directory structures within are identical).
We would like to minimise the changes as we move through the environments and 'regularise' the process as far as possible.


by (310 points)

Hello Bernie,

Do we understand correctly that you want to have multiple instances of Adaxes service sharing common configuration? If that is so, you will only need to select Shared configuration when installing subsequent instances. There will be no need to import/export any configuration changes, it will be done automatically. For details, have a look at section Multi-Server Deployment for High Availability of our Installation Guide: https://www.adaxes.com/resources/releas ... lti_server.

If you want to have multiple instances of Adaxes service and import/export configuration of one instance to another, you can back up the required configuration and then restore it on the instance you need. For details, see https://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Man ... ation.html.

If that is not what you need, please, provide us with all the possible details regarding the desired scenario.


No, we simply have separate environments - and therefore AD instances - for dev, UAT, pre-prod and prod.
Each has a different server name and directory root name.

So, after we have built in the dev environment we would like to export the directory and web configurations into the next environment - UAT without having to manually reconfigure everything.

However, as the exported data is not human-readable we don't know what environment-specific information is in there and therefore what needs to be changed during or after the import.



Hello Bernie,

Could you, please, specify, what exactly you mean by directory and web configuration? A live example of the process with all the possible details would be very helpful.

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