Some of us are old school and prefer to take the manual home to be read with a highlighter. Is there no PDF user manual?
No, unfortunately we don't have that. But thanks for the suggestion.
Whether I try to run a script or manually run the commands to enroll users, users remain unenrolled. Example of a basic script: Import-Module ... ` -QuestionsAndAnswers @{$question1=$answer1;$question2=$answer2} -AdaxesService localhost Adaxes version 2021
Hello, Before deleting a user, how can I create a PDF with their details and a sentence confirming that the user has been deleted? And then save this document on a server. is this solvable via code? thanks
Before Deactivation of an Account on the Webinterface our Help Desk need to change the AD User Description manually. Is it possible to force a manual change before deactivation ?
Hello I tried to create a "business rule" to automatically email a designated email-adress. Thats not a problem. But i want to be able to get the "enrolled"- ... sincerely The Adaxes system Is it possible to create a business rule with the wanted parameter?
I need to know how to Create a new Custom Attribute which I wants save some informations of Users