0 votes

We are moving to Windows 2008 Server environment and I need to reinstall Adaxes. Is it possible to preserve the present configuration?


by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)

To restore an Adaxes service configuration, use the Backup/Restore tool. This tool is located in the same folder with the Adaxes service (by default C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 1\Service).

For more information, see http://adaxes.com/help/default.htm?HowD ... ation.html

Hope it helps


In our environment there are several Adaxes services sharing configuration. Will it work in this case?


Yes, it will.
Please note, that if you reinstall an Adaxes service joined to the configuration set, you don't need to backup/restore the service configuration. Just join it to the existing configuration set during its installation and the configuration will be replicated automatically.

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