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roles and business units? Creating these through the UI in a large AD environment can be tedious.


by (80 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)

Is it possible to programmatically create roles and business units? Creating these through the UI in a large AD environment can be tedious.

Adaxes provides ADSI-based API (Adaxes ADSI Provider) that allows configuring Softerra Adaxes and working with Active Directory via Adaxes. Adaxes ADSI Provider is a COM-based API that can be used by VBScript, JScript, VB, VB.Net, C++, C#, or any other programming language able to interact with COM. Unfortunately, at the moment the SDK for the ADSI Provider is not ready (we are working on it in the idle mode). So to use the API at the moment you can use the Microsoft documentation for the LDAP ADSI provider and the COM type library of the ADSI provider that is supplied with Adaxes (Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.tlb). We can make some samples for you and provide any assistance for the use of the ADSI Provider to automate creation of Business Rules and Business Units via scripts.

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