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Due to company requirements, I need to customize the Reset Password screen presented in the Self Service and Help Desk sites, but I haven't found how to do the specific changes I need to make.

#1 - I need to set the "User must change password at next logon" box to be checked and not changeable.

#2 - I need to remove the "User cannot change password" and "Password never expires" options from the page.

Is this done in the Web Customization or do I have to go into the actual text files to do this?

by (440 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


The functionality that you require is not yet available in Adaxes, but it will be released in the nearest version that is planned for next month.

However, if you need the functionality urgently, we can suggest a workaround. You can create a Business Rule that will be executed after resetting the password for a user. The Business Rule will set the User must change password at next logon option for the user to true, and the User cannot change password and Password never expires options to false for the user regardless of what was selected on the Reset Password page. The only issue here is that it is currently impossible to remove the checkboxes from that page, this functionality will be available in the next version. Also, it will be impossible to detect, where the Reset Password operation was performed, so the Business Rule will set the default values for users even if the password was reset from the Web Interface for Administrators or even from the Administration Console. If this solution is OK with you, we can provide you with details.


That will work for now. I think I got it set that it modifies the Account options and sets the must change password and unchecks the other two options - is that the correct settings?

Is there a rough estimate as to about when in Feb the new version will be released?



Yes, you need to create a Business Rule that will be executed after resetting a password for a user and that will set the necessary values in the Account Options property with the help of the Modify Account Options action. To create such a Business Rule:

  1. Create a new Business Rule.
  2. On the 2nd step of the Create Business Rule wizard, select User and After Resetting password for a User.
  3. On the 3rd step, add the Modify Account Options action.
  4. Check the first checkboxes against the User must change password at next logon, User cannot change password and Password never expires options.
  5. Check the second checkbox against the User must change password at next logon option.
  6. Click OK two times and finish creation of the Business Rule.

Is there a rough estimate as to about when in Feb the new version will be released?

It's going to be closer to the end of the month


Did this get implemented in 2013.1?

I haven't found it yet it if has.



Yes, the feature was implemented in Adaxes 2013.1. To configure Account Options for the Reset Password operation:

  1. On the computer where your Web Interface is installed, start the Web Interface Customization tool.
  2. In the Interface type drop-down list, select the Web Interface you want to configure.
  3. Activate the AD Management tab and click Customize Operations.
  4. Select Reset Password in the Operations list.
  5. Activate the Operation Configuration tab.
  6. In the Account Options section, you can configure the default Account options that will be applied when resetting a password for a user.

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