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Can we edit what is displayed in the banner? Maybe also be able to change the font of the user name depending on data their object?

This just came up in a meeting. We are attempting to figure out how to better identify users and computers that are on a Legal hold. We are wondering if we can have the banner show another attribute or if an attribute = this then show this? This one I could really use right now.

This one is not important, but if the user is identified as a VIP, then change the font color for the users dispay name in the banner to red

by (1.2k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


Changing the content or the outlook of the header of the form used for user creation or editing is currently not supported. As a workaround, you can, for example, change the user's Full Name property. So, if a user is a VIP, the fullname will be changed to Full Name (VIP), and the user will be identified as Full Name (VIP) at the top of the form.

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