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Due to some of the systems we have, we must limit our logon names to 8 characters.

When I set the Value Length to Maximum 8, the result when creating a new account is that the long name gets autopopulated, but when clicking "next", I get a popup "Invalid Value Length".

Is there a way to autopopulate with only 8 characters?

by (1.1k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


I suggest that you check logon name length not with a Property Pattern, but with a Business Rule. You can create a Business Rule executed before creating a user that will check the logon name of the new user. If the logon name is longer than the limit, the Business Rule will truncate it to the required length.

To accomplish this task, use the Validate/Modify User Input Using a Script Tutorial as a guide. In Example 2 of the 5th step of the tutorial, you will find a PowerShell script that checks the value of the User Logon Name (pre-Windows 2000) property and modifies it. In Example 4, you will find a PowerShell script that checks value length. If you need assistance with the actual script that you need, we can help you.

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